- The collaboration between the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, and Harambee University, has resulted in the release of an impactful book called "Youth Empowerment for Societal Transformation." This significant publication, which marks the third joint effort between Indonesia Embassy Addis Ababa and Harambee University, was officially launched on September 30, 2023, at the esteemed campus of Harambee University in Adama.

Prior to this release, the previous book titled "ITOOPHIYAA, Waan Hojjachu Qabdu Hojjadhu Ambaasadara" (2022) served as a translation of Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur's book "ETHIOPIA, Do What To Do Ambassador." This particular book has been published in three languages, namely Indonesian, English, and Oromo, an Ethiopian language.

Additionally, Indonesian Embassy and Harambee University have jointly published another remarkable book titled "QUALITY THINKING in the 21st Century" (2023). Both "Youth Empowerment for Societal Transformation" and "Quality Thinking in the 21st Century" are compilations of scholarly works contributed by esteemed academics from various universities in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Notably,  H.E. Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur assumes the role of editor for these esteemed publications.

The book launch event for "Youth Empowerment for Societal Transformation" witnessed the presence of H.E. Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur, diplomats representing several friendly nations in Addis Ababa, university leaders, high-ranking government officials, youth, students, and a host of other distinguished guests.

H.E. Ambassador Al Busyra Basnur emphasized that the significance of this book extends beyond being a source of information and knowledge enhancement for the younger generation and professionals. It also serves as a vital and strategic means of communication, thereby strengthening the collaboration between Indonesian and Ethiopian academics.

The Ambassador further highlighted that the book holds relevance not only for the people of Indonesia and Ethiopia but also for the global community. By addressing not only local issues but also global concerns, the book encompasses topics that resonate with everyone.

Harambe University launches a book titled "Youth Empowerment for Societal Transformation" in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy. Mr. Feyisa Ararsa, CEO and founder of Haranambe Business Group, stated that this book not only motivates young people but also focuses on inspiring them to be entrepreneurial and competitive. Twelve scholars and professors from the University of Indonesia, London, ASTU, Gondar, Bahirdar, and Harambe have contributed to this book. September 19, 2015. Harambe University/Adama

Harambee University launches a book titled "Youth Empowerment for Societal Transformation" in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy. Mr. Feyisa Ararsa, CEO and founder of Harambee Business Group, stated that this book not only motivates young people but also focuses on inspiring them to be entrepreneurial and competitive. Twelve scholars and professors from the University of Indonesia, London, ASTU, Gondar, Bahirdar, and Harambe have contributed to this book.
September 19, 2015.
Harambee University/Adama.

For those interested in delving into the profound insights presented in "Youth Empowerment for Societal Transformation," the book can be accessed through the following link: [Click here for Reading The Book Youth Empowerment for Societal Transformation ]