Bale, February 1, 2024 - After successfully conducting tempeh training at Harambee University with the Founder of the Harambee Group, Mr. Feyissa Ararssa, and the officials from Harambee University last week on January 17, 2024, who played a crucial role in this industry.

Together with Dr. Bekele Shibru Arsedi, a renowned lecturer at ASTU and Harambee University, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Addis Ababa, in collaboration with Madda Walabu University, has organized a training program aimed at enhancing the value and marketing of soybean products. The training was attended by trainers from the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa, responsible for preparing various dishes using soybeans for domestic consumption and export in Bale City, Ethiopia.

The training, held on February 1, 2024, took place at the campus of Madda Walabu University. The event involved the Indonesian Ambassador, H.E. Al Busyra Basnur, and the President of Madda Walabu University, Dr. Ahmed Kelil Aliyi.

During the training, Dr. Bekele Shibru Arsedi emphasized that soybeans have high potential, but the lack of technology and marketing processes has hindered the development of the soybean industry in the country. Therefore, this training is expected to play a role in improving the production process and enhancing the marketing resources related to soybeans.

President of Madda Walabu University, Dr. Ahmed Kelil Aliyi, stated that their university is committed to supporting the development of the agricultural sector in a city located at an altitude of nearly 3000 meters. In this regard, Indonesian Ambassador H.E. Al Busyra Basnur also shared Indonesia's successful experience in transforming the lives of many citizens through agricultural industry development, and expressed hope that Ethiopia could achieve similar success.

This training is a concrete step towards enhancing the value and marketing of soybeans, as well as supporting the growth of the agricultural sector in Ethiopia. The participants of the training are highly enthusiastic about learning how to make tempeh at home and see it as a promising business opportunity in Ethiopia.

Furthermore, the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa plans to conduct tempeh-making training in the city of Hawassa, Ethiopia. This step is an effort to expand the benefits of this training to other regions in Ethiopia and promote the overall growth of the soybean industry.

With this training, it is hoped that farmers and entrepreneurs in Ethiopia can fully utilize the potential of soybeans, increase the value of their products, and expand the export market. May the cooperation between the Indonesian Embassy in Addis Ababa and Madda Walabu University bring long-term benefits to the agricultural sector and the economy of Ethiopia. (TSW)