There's a counter on the  WoW cataclysm Gold upper right-hand corner of the screen that shows the number of townspeople you've killed. And as soon as Mal'Ganis gets started on his mission in the next chapter, a counter tracking the victims of his battle will appear too. The process of removing the villager's remains is as follows: If you wreck a house there will be four people asleep, and in few seconds they'll turn into zombies and begin attacking you. If you hit them fast it is possible to take them down before they transform and suffer no harm. The houses as well as the townspeople aren't considered to be enemy units in the game, therefore you'll need to issue an order to strike them.

Mal'Ganis is quick, therefore to take on him, you'll need to be more quickly. When you're doing your daily grind You'll notice that your screen is shaking every two minutes or so. This indicates that another structure has collapsed and Mal'Ganis has taken the lives of four other souls. There's a trick to your game in this game, however you'll need to play it several times to be successful. Different areas of the map are always visible If you keep an eye on the mini map for the presence such as a red dot you'll be able observe Mal'Ganis' movement. Once you find him, search for him and fight him. There's a good thing that every time Mal'Ganis dies in battle, he's off the game for time of three minute period (indicated by a clock in the top right) You're then at liberty to take on town residents with aplomb. If you can knock him out each time he resurrected you'll be in front of Mal'Ganis.

You can save yourself some time by defeating Mal'Ganis.

Combating Mal'Ganis and his gang isn't easy however it's not too difficult if you manage your micromanagement units in a proper manner. Mal'Ganis is usually joined by a gang of ghouls, and perhaps three or four abominations and you can make swift battle with a team of footmen, WoW Cataclysm Classic, and knights (newly made available within this section). One of the most frustrating aspect of fighting Mal'Ganis the sleep spell that can be utilized to your troops over and over. Sleep does not harm an army however, it can make it immobile until it is attacked, and to awaken a sleepy unit you'll need to take on it on your own. If you're in the middle of battle, and you discover that most of your troops are asleep, this could be a real stumbling block for the flow of things. The most effective solution is to utilize an attack from a rifleman's distance to knock a sleeper down once and then return it to fight. Make sure to immediately issue a new command to the gunner or you'll see him continue attacking the same enemy team.

Mal'Ganis' machinations within Stratholme isn't just the one thing you'll face during chapter 6. Once you've begun the crusade, your principal base will also be subject to constant attack by WoW Cataclysm Classic forces. The raiders will always strike via the southern part of the base, so you need to construct another guard or cannon tower close to the one you have with knights WoW Cataclysm Classic, and priests in the vicinity of the towers in order to block the invaders. The situation can get a little tense after you've fought Mal'Ganis and his entourage only to find that the base itself is under attack however, if you have an adequate supply of troops near the south-facing entrance into your home, the troops as well as the towers will be able to deal with the monsters and ghouls that appear well enough by themselves.

When you've been crowned your 100th township victory, however it's called the case, is yours. Arthas is unable to  WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale  defeat Mal'Ganis however when he taunts the furious Paladin and asks Arthas to join the cold place of Northrend to end their fight.