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  • Boost up to 100 Posts
  • Boost up to 100 Pages

Post Booster


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  • Boost up to 5 Posts
  • Pages promotion
  • Post boosting service is a marketing technique used by businesses to increase engagement and visibility of their social media posts through paid advertising. The goal is to reach more people who are interested in your content or products/services, which can lead to increased traffic to your website, sales, and brand awareness. Posts can be targeted based on demographics, interests, location, behaviors, and other factors. Services may include creating custom graphics, scheduling posts, analyzing data tracking, and reporting insights.

    Target audience: Small-to-medium sized businesses looking for cost-effective ways to grow their online presence and attract new customers.

    Functionality: Boosting services typically involve setting a budget, choosing targeting options, writing compelling copy and selecting hashtags, designing visuals if needed, and publishing the post. The service provider manages the ad campaign and provides analytics reports afterward.

    Design: A user-friendly dashboard that allows clients to easily create and manage ads with clear instructions and guidance throughout the process. The platform should be customizable based on branding preferences and offer insights into performance metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and reach.

    Cost estimate: Varies depending on factors like social media platform, audience size, and ad format. Prices can range from a few dollars per day up to hundreds of dollars for more complex campaigns.

Page booster


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  • Posts promotion
  • Boost up to 10 Pages

Monthly verification


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  • Boost up to 100 Posts
  • Boost up to 50 Pages

1 day verification


for Day
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  • Verified badge
  • Boost up to 5 Posts
  • Boost up to 5 Pages
  • Have all premium verification and more with oly 100 birr per day