Serving Ethiopia is an Honor!
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  • Diplomat at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia
  • Lives in Ethiopia
  • From Addis Ababa
  • Male
  • 28/01/1988
  • Followed by 11 people
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  • "My way or high way",
    " Either you are with me or my enemy",
    "Mine is always good and yours is not"....
    such mentality is devisive, counter productive and above all self destructive.
    Just so!
    "My way or high way", " Either you are with me or my enemy", "Mine is always good and yours is not".... such mentality is devisive, counter productive and above all self destructive. Just so!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1554 Views
  • Believe it or not, struggling all challenges, #Ethiopia is Super Power in the region.
    Having 120+ million population, covering an area of 1,127,127 km2, rapidly growing economy, building the largest dam in Africa and 8th in the world, endowed with natural resources...
    Isn't it?
    Believe it or not, struggling all challenges, #Ethiopia is Super Power in the region. Having 120+ million population, covering an area of 1,127,127 km2, rapidly growing economy, building the largest dam in Africa and 8th in the world, endowed with natural resources... Isn't it?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2075 Views
  • Starting the day admiring the exotic natural beauty of #Ethiopia, #Africa.
    We are blessed with all what's needed on earth.
    All we lack is peace, stability and embrace one another.
    Peace be upon #Ethiopia and #Africa!
    Starting the day admiring the exotic natural beauty of #Ethiopia, #Africa. We are blessed with all what's needed on earth. All we lack is peace, stability and embrace one another. Peace be upon #Ethiopia and #Africa!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2452 Views
  • Today is the day #ICHREE gets its natural death in this UNHRC hall.
    It's quite clear that its sympathizers will have a special mourning day.
    It was established to be a political tool to pressure #Ethiopia, plus creating job to some "experts".
    But it never set foot in #Ethiopia.
    Today is the day #ICHREE gets its natural death in this UNHRC hall. It's quite clear that its sympathizers will have a special mourning day. It was established to be a political tool to pressure #Ethiopia, plus creating job to some "experts". But it never set foot in #Ethiopia.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1863 Views
  • #ENDF!
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  • #Egypt left with no choice than accept the new reality of Nile Hydropolitics.
    1, #GERD is a fiat accompli,
    2, The 1929 & 1959 colonial agreement it always refer became null & void by CFA & #GERD,
    3, Upstream countries are already at 11th hour of establishing NILE-COM.
    That's it!
    #Egypt left with no choice than accept the new reality of Nile Hydropolitics. 1, #GERD is a fiat accompli, 2, The 1929 & 1959 colonial agreement it always refer became null & void by CFA & #GERD, 3, Upstream countries are already at 11th hour of establishing NILE-COM. That's it!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3022 Views
  • Love
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1062 Views
  • Just joined this platform. Hope to be connected with nice people positively contribuying to #Ethiopia.
    Pleasant Day all!
    Just joined this platform. Hope to be connected with nice people positively contribuying to #Ethiopia. Pleasant Day all!
    0 Comments 1 Shares 4456 Views
  • Love
    0 Comments 0 Shares 955 Views
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